
Mercenary Nick Boon is trying to atone for his life as an enforcer for a ruthless syndicate. Running from his past, Boon moves to a remote area in the ..
Starring:Neal McDonough, Tommy Flanagan, Christina Ochoa
Creators:Derek Presley
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"Boon" ... Mercenary Nick Boon is trying to atone for his life as an enforcer for a ruthless syndicate. Running from his past, Boon moves to a remote area in the pacific northwest where he meets a struggling widow and her son. When he finds the pair living in fear of a criminal kingpin, Boon realizes the only way to protect them is to do what he does best: kill..

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Release Date
Action, Crime, Thriller
Added in
January 25, 2024
Neal McDonough Tommy Flanagan Christina Ochoa Christiane Seidel Jason Scott Lee

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