
Sister Tse is brought to New York by a Snakehead, a human smuggler. Although she is indebted to the crime family responsible for her transport, her su ..
Starring:Shuya Chang, Jade Wu, Devon Diep
Creators:Evan Leong
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"Snakehead" ... Sister Tse is brought to New York by a Snakehead, a human smuggler. Although she is indebted to the crime family responsible for her transport, her survival instincts help her gain favor with the matriarch, and she rises quickly in the ranks. Soon Tse must reconcile her success with her real reason for coming to America—to find the child that was taken from her. In the end, Sister Tse must draw on the strength she found in transforming her victimhood into power..

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Release Date
Action, Drama, Crime
Added in
January 25, 2024
Shuya Chang Jade Wu Devon Diep Sung Kang Celia Au

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